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Whiteboard Animations

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Whiteboard Animations

Who We Are?

Turn Complex Topics Into Simple Explanations , In Unique Visual Formats

Reports show that 64% of users are likely to purchase a product online after watching a video. Whiteboard video animation services show a higher customer engagement rate. So, rest assured that your products and services will be confidently presented in the market with it. Whiteboard videos can increase conversion rates by 80% after landing on your website page which means more sales. 

Using a high-quality whiteboard animation video to make your point can keep viewers’ attention for the duration of the film. Doesn’t matter whether you’re promoting a product on a squeeze page or sharing a new business process with your staff, OneDizitalz creates your whiteboard animation USA with a clear purpose and outcome.

As Einstein says, “If you can’t explain it to a 6-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself”, we thrive to turn complicated ideas into a simpler manner with whiteboard animation USA. We understand well how you want to communicate with your audience in a simpler language, yet express the core idea.  And we promise to deliver that with our whiteboard video animation services

How it goes

Take Your Audience From ‘HUH?’
To ‘HALLELUJAH!” In A Minute Or Two

Our whiteboard strategy is a pattern in a stream of decisions.

Sell with a story
If you want your video to tell a story, no one can do it better than our whiteboard video animation services. Take a look back at how Disney proved almost a century ago. Whiteboard animation actually tells stories. Why not follow the same for your business too?!
Grab B2B attention
A whiteboard explainer video is a powerful strategy for B2B marketing. Whiteboard animation's industrial-yet-casual appearance and feel are amazingly well suited to a business setting. Whiteboard video animation services help you ahead of the competition.
Avoid lousy actors
You can create engaging videos without paying actors. Rather, use whiteboard animation and save a lot of money. Spare yourself from a lot of hassle, because finding convincing performers can be challenging, and the wrong ones will make the audience cringe.
Why choose Us?

Frequently Asked Question

You have a number of chances for adjustment requests depending on the package you select. Until you are completely satisfied with your script and it has been agreed upon and signed off on, we won't proceed with developing the storyboard and rough illustrations.
A 2-minute video typically requires 15 days from the final "voice ready" script to completion. Depending on how quickly a client provides feedback, times may change. A small business, for example, can frequently respond right away with remarks, whereas a major client might need to collect input from several stakeholders before approval.
Our estimate includes a rough visual storyboard, color illustrations (four to five per minute of video), expert voice-over, background music, and video production.
Our production process is divided into five phases:
- Scriptwriting
- Illustrations
- Voice recording
- Supporting music
- Production after animation
Each of our scenes takes an illustrator about two hours to design, and since a minute of video can have up to five scenes, each minute of video represents a day's worth of effort for the illustrator alone. All this accounts for our price.
Testimonials ~

A glance at what our esteemed Clients have to say about our services

Over the span of a few years, OneDizitalz has steadily built a successful and long-term relationship with a global client base. Over delivering is our benchmark which is reflected in our 98% client retention rate.